8 Week Emerald Soul Journey begins 2/9/24! Sign up below!

Welcome to Emerald Alchemy- Dance of the Soul!

Guided, Intuitive and Somatic Breath and Movement 

Mama, you have to start somewhere,
and I welcome you to start here.

WELCOME TO Emerald Alchemy- Dance of the Soul!


I fully believe that nothing happens by "accident". You didn't trip and fall and wind up here.

Whether you are dealing with anxiety, overwhelm, overstimulation, feeling lost...you are trying to find your truth, voice or creativity but not sure how to go about it. Maybe you just want to be able to BE and BE ok with it. 

I am here to be your guide to your breakthrough and a catalyst in you finding your innate power! 

I work with women through yogic and somatic breathwork, intuitive movement and energetic practices to help you release the fears self-doubt and limiting beliefs that have so long held you back. YOU ARE WORTHY OF HAVING AND LOVING ALL PIECES OF YOURSELF! Whether those pieces are made of light or shadow, the only way to breakthrough is to love them all. I create a safe space for you to do this as I guide you through the process.

If you're looking for a place to start, I invite you to try the 6 Day Breath series or the 7 Day Breath and Yoga. This will give you some insight into the breath work and a bit of movement. The next step would be to book a time to talk with me. Let me know where you are at in this moment of your life and where you desire to be. 

There is also plenty here for health, nutrition and fitness under my old name A Balanced Life Training!


Available Offerings

Subscriber Hub

Here you will find my FREE 5 Day guide to Mindful Eating to help you start on your path to health and fitness. 

4-Week Emerald Soul Journey- Part 1

Feel the release of tension as you break free from limiting beliefs that have held you back truly living. Picture your soul urging you to embrace opportunities with newfound confidence, unlocking the vibrant life you desire—physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Are you ready for FULL body health?

Are you ready to shed the limitations and step into the truest version of YOU?

And......not give a F*ck what anyone else thinks?

Part 1 will focus on really grounding into the body and it's wisdom. Using the lower 4 energy centers we will unlock all sorts of potential!

R.E.B.E.L. Membership

Are you ready to R.E.B.E.L.? You are so much more than "just a mom, business women, partner", or any other label! You are a BEING of innate power, love and light! R-Release Stagnant Energy. E-Energitic Flow Revival, B- Breathe and connect with yourself, E- Enlighten yourself and find your innate power, L- Live life to the fullest and authentically you! Breathwork, Intuitive movement, meditation, holistic nutrition, fitness classes. It's all in here!

Free 7 Day Yoga and Breath Challenge

Explore a different form of yogic breath each day. Learn how the breath can help in everyday life as well as on the mat.  7 days of 15-20 minutes to help you get on a consistent schedule. Consistency is one of the keys to yoga practice!

Core and Stability Mini course

This 4-week mini course focuses on the two most important areas for women and their stability, the core and the glutes (your butt!)!

In this course you will gain strength and stability in these two main areas of the body so that you can increase confidence in your movement patterns, grace and balance!

Tune Into You

This course is made for beginner's looking to start a Barre, Yoga or Pilates practice. Learn the basics of movement and of eating to fuel your body. Take time to breathe and really Tune Into You!

Somatic Breath and Movement 8-Week Program

Transform yourself into the TRUE you, the YOU that was always meant to be. Bring to life the things you love and release the stuck energy out of the body. Through somatic breath work, yogic breath work and intuitive movement you will find the release you are looking for. Allow yourself to heal from the conditioning of life. Heal from the past. Step into yourself as a whole person as we balance the masculine and feminine energy into the body. You will find your energy levels soar and you are living the most beautiful way your desire. 

30 Minute Meditative Breath Session- UNLEASH the POWER of your HEART

I invite you to tap into the POWER of YOUR heart. Opening the heart can lead to a beautiful change within self that no one can give you but YOU! You have all you need inside of you.

This 30-minute meditative breathwork session will help you to unleash the true power of love and compassion for yourself so that you may move from the place of that power!

This session is for anyone who feels like there is a cinderblock stuck in their chest. 

Sacral Serenity

Release the sacral area of the body to relieve discomfort, pain, tightness or numbness so that you may move through daily activities with ease and grace.

Through somatic practices targeted to the sacral area (hips, low back, lower abdominals) we are able to release stagnant energy and emotions in that area.

Starts last week in May 2024!

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